Tax Status
Breast pumps are taxable in Connecticut.
However, legislation has been introduced to exempt pumps from the sales tax. HB 5848 was introduced on January 28, 2021 and is active in the Connecticut General Assembly (“An act exempting breastfeeding supplies from the sales and use taxes”).
Interested in This Issue?
If you are interested in this issue, consider contacting your legislator.
Here is some information on how to find out who your Representative is:
Visit the Connecticut General Assembly’s District Finder (click link).
Input your Connecticut address in the fields and click “Find.” Information on your State Representative should then be displayed in the first row of the table.
Click “State Representative, District ##” (the link will display your specific district number). This will open an email message to your Representative with their email address in the “To” field.
Email your representatives using your email software. In the subject line, make clear why you are writing, such as: “Please support HB 5848 (sales tax exemption for breast pumps).”
In the body of the email, write why you support this legislation, such as:
Please support HB 5848, which would exempt breast pumps from sales tax. Breast pumps are basic necessities for breastfeeding mothers, especially for working moms that have returned to the workforce. They’re also vital in many other situations, such as when the mother or infant face health issues and must be separated during care, or when infants are premature and unable to latch. Breast pumps and supplies should be exempt from sales tax without restriction. Eliminating this tax is one step we can take to improve access to breastfeeding for women of all socioeconomic statuses. Please support HB 5848, and thank you for your consideration.
Interested in Tweeting about This Issue?
If you’re interested in this issue, consider tweeting why you support this legislation, such as with a message similar to the one here (click the image to tweet). Interested stakeholders will see your tweet in the #ctpolitics and #ctleg hashtag feeds, which are used to follow Connecticut legislative news and political updates.
Join Parity for Pumps
If your organization would like to formally join the Parity for Pumps Coalition, please contact us directly. Click the button below to email us.
Legal disclaimer: the information, documents, and links on this website are intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice, and should not be acted upon as legal advice. The information on this site is not a substitute for actual legal advice and counsel directed at your specific situation.