Does Your Insurance Plan Cover Breast Pumps & Breastmilk Storage Bags

If Not - They Probably Should, Act Now to Obtain Coverage!

Contact your HR Benefit Manager

We strongly encourage you to contact your health insurer and/or your HR Benefits Manager to show your support.

Download a letter template and send it to your HR Benefits Manager. Your HR Benefits Manager can then, in turn, contact your insurance plan and advocate for change.


  • Many moms today know that under the Affordable Care Act most pregnant women are eligible for an insurance-covered breast pump. 

  • But did you know that as of January 1st of 2023, most moms are now also eligible to receive insurance-covered breast milk storage bags? Whoo hoo - this is a big win for nursing moms and we can all thank recent updates made to the Women’s Preventive Services guidelines (see here for more information).

  • For a mom nursing her baby for six months, this could mean hundreds of dollars in savings over the first year of her baby's life.

  • While the large majority of commercial and Medicaid plans are complying with these new guidelines, some insurance companies and plans are not, either because they don't know about the mandate or they are using medical management techniques to get around not covering.

Act Now to Obtain Coverage - Contact Your Health Insurance Plan

  • Call the member services number on the back of your insurance card and advocate for coverage of breast milk storage bags (billing code is K1005/A4287).

  • Reach out to your health insurer via Social Media channels

  • Mail - Download this letter template and mail to your health insurance company.

Health Insurance Plans Contact Methods







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